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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Tempted in all ways like us but never sinning

Posted by Don Paine

This is a description of Jesus as our high priest.

I used to thing this meant that Jesus never did anything r=wrong that his human nature or human self was never overwhelming of his Spirit or Divine Self.  That makes him a distant high priest.  If he doe snot have the capacity to sin and never sinned how can he know the lure and weight of sin.  Many have maintained that he had to have been sinless to atone for humanities sinfulness.  Who ever said so.  Why do we believe so.

What if it was not my sinfulness that Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for.  What if it was our tendency to not feel loved and not be loving, which is the imago dei in us, that he atoned for.  What if the sin that Jesus never committed was not about not doing a behavioral mistake but not thinking or feeling that God's love was not constantly and consistently available for and in him.

God loves us even while we we yet sinning.  Sinning is rejecting the goodness, kindness and compassion of God in Christ.  Basque in God's love for you and do not sin against the part of yuo that falls into sin by question sign the level kind and quality of God's love for you.

Amazing love how sweet the sound.  Hear it, feel it , know it, believe it.


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