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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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The Lie, The Truth

Posted by Don Paine

When I was embroiled in church conflict, I wanted to tell everyone the truth.  The truth I wanted to tell everyone was my truth.  Behind that truth was a lie.  Others wanted to tell their truth.  Behind their truth was their lie.

When I was a kid I heard and used the expression:  "Liar liar, pants on fire!"

Today, I know that lies promote other lies and those lies can be presented as truth only to result in a greater lie.

I lie not.  I am scared to death to blog this blog.  Scared that no one will understand and many will misunderstand what I am about to say.  I have learned the brevity and bravery are good friends so I will attempt to be brief:

  • The First Lie   "In the Day you eat of this fruit you will be as God, you will not die".
  • The Second Lie  "In the Day you eat of the bread and of the cup, you will live and if you do not eat of the bread and drink of the cup you will surely die, go to hell, or at least be annihilated"

The first lie was fabricated to make people feel that they had to do something or they would be missing out on something for ever.  If Adam and Eve did not eat they would miss something good, pleasant, and right for them to have and if they chose not too they would die without it.  They had a part hat felt they had to have it.  They had to eat or else.  So they ate.

The second lie was fabricated to make people feel that if they did not become Christians, eat of the body and drink of the blood of Christ, they would be missing something for ever.  Anyone who did not eat would not live.  The church has set up a part that says if you do not eat, you will die which perpetuates the agenda of the church being needed if not necessary of salvation.   This is essentially self-serving theology diametrically if not diabolically antithetical to the message of Jesus the founder of faith but perhaps not the founder of the church.

What lie are you hearing right now?  What truth are you hearing right now?

The take eat of self indulgence is present in the Garden of Eden.
The take eat of self sacrifice is present in the Garden of Gethsemane the Rock of Golgotha.

The church while intentionally and understandable wanting to promote and prompt faith in the Jesus of Calvary has forgotten or neglected the Jesus of Nazareth.  The human Jesus and the divine Jesus are fully present in him and can be fully present in you. 

The TRUTH is that when you live in the balance and harmony of self-sacrifice (compassion and love toward all) and self-serentity (calmness and peace towards all)  you eat of that which is good and healthy and you reject that which is not.  The TRUTH is that there is nothing missing in me, nothing outside of me that I need, nothing inside of me that is essentially bad, nor anything inside of me that is not essentially good.   I am created in the Image of the Creator.  The creator is peace and love.  I do not need anything outside of me and everything I need is already inside of me.  Parts of me doubt that other parts believe it but all parts will surrender to the Peace and Love that they know already exist within. 

Jesus is THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE but not in the way or with the truth or with the life that the church has presented it.  Jesus is the Way of Serenity as he lived and died in perfect peace without any agenda or fear, fearless and agenda free.  Jesus had no fear of loss or desire to win(gain).
Jesus is the Way of Sacrifice/Love as he lived and died in perfect love for all without any defense, disdain, or regret.  Jesus had no fear of suffering so was full of compassion.  Jesus was so full of compassion and peace (calm) he felt no suffering and had no fear.  Peace and Love un-eclipsed by anything, embracing everyone and everything, promoting nothing except the way of "peace and love".

That is the Way of Jesus that is the ONLY way and it is not the way of any particular church, synagogue, temple or mosque or hut.  The Way of Jesus is the Truth and the Life beyond all human and religious truths and ways.

The Truth is that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) but not as presented by the church for that presentation is itself contradictory to the truth.  My desire is to present the Truth free of the prejudices and perspective of the church but as a challenge to the church to be the church that Jesus wants us to be not an exclusive club but an all inclusive club by simply changing the lie that we do not live and living the truth that is no lie.

What is your truth?  What is your lie?

My pants are not on fire but my heart is on fire with love and peace toward all because I choose the way of lot sand peace inside.  I believe in Jesus in a new way to a new end for a renewal of the message of "peace on earth good will toward all humanity".  I believe that was the message of the angels on a particular day in time.  A message not to one person or one group but message to all and for all.


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