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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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You will die, come live

Posted by Don Paine

Today I received a lengthy letter on whether we are saved from Hell to Heaven.  The author mentioned that we created in the image of God but have been unplugged from that image. 

I began to muse about this idea and found myself thinking about how the creator God made us with an intrinsic need for God and an intrinsic presence of God in us.  Some have argued that all was lost when Adam and Eve sinned.  Others argue that nothing changed. 

I mused again that the creator God was a “spiritual umbilical chord” providing everything we needed connected to his creation in a way that served all the needs of that creation.  When Adam and Eve chose to use the gift of Choice given them to do “there own thing” they unplugged themselves form the creator God.

The peace and love that flowed from God to them and from them to God was interrupted by the desire for something more which caused them to grasp after something out side of them rather than being content with what hey had inside of them.  There grasping part was then gripped with fear and they ran from the light of the secret garden into the cave of secret hiding.  They began to feel shame and blame each other rather than accept mutual responsibility in a respectful way.  This is the original sin based on an original lie.  The lie was the flower of truth laced with the poison of arsenic of deception.  They became as God knowing good and evil without the moral fiber of God to choose the good and reject the fear and the desire that leads to evil.  Satan told a half-truth.  The life connector of the organism was dismantled.  The image of God remained but it was “unplugged”.  Humanity seeks to plug in to external sources of apparent truth instead of connecting to the inner truth of the image of God inside.

As it was said the “death” was of this connection lost.  Paul writes of this in Ephesians 2:1 “You has God quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins”.  We did not fall from grace we fell into grace when the one who is life took on death so the death that we took on can be overcome.  The “ORGANISM” must be “quickened” that is come to life, that is connect, or get re-plugged in to the one from whom we were unplugged.

All the organizers of the parts of humanity to try to compensate cannot reconnect while the core elements of compassion, calm, courage and creativity are they waiting to take the leadership of the system once reconnected.  Paul refers to it as “quickening” or showing signs of life.

We are saved inwardly to live compassion outwardly.  What died that day in the Garden of Eden was not our innocence. What died was the capacity to know that the creator, regardless of anything, loves us.  We are saved to heaven not from hell.


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