I was walking in the cool of the morning of an unusually
cold (24 degree) April Day.
I began to imagine that I was sitting in a sad place after
making a mistake in judgment. I am
feeling prejudged so I go into a shameful dark place to hide from the
consequences of my actions.
In that dark place I think to myself, “what am I doing
here?”. I decide to get up and walk
out of the cave of my self-judgment, of my prejudging the God who made me, and
my judgment on the partner who was a gift from the creator to help me. Instead of helping each other we had
inflicted more pain then necessary on each other. I take my partners hand and we walk out of the place of
hiding and darkness into the sacred place of healing and of wholeness. The hole in our heart opens to receive
the love that both fills the hole and brings wholeness to our hurt parts. The whole of us, including our “mistake,”
steps aside to receive the whole of the creator’s heart. We see that the creator’s heart is
itself broken to bless even as our broken failure is there to receive the blessing
of grace. We take a deep breath
together as we walk out of the darkness of our hiding into the darkness of
night that will give way to the light of day as if nothing changes around us as
long as nothing changes inside of us.
The deep breath opens space for fresh air. The fresh thought grips me. If we sit here, in the darkness without
fear or failure as well as in fear and failure, we discover the hidden secret. We wait for the God who created us to
be with us with anticipatory grace.
The Hidden secret of the garden is that all things grow in us the
realization that nothing needs to separate us for m the creator God who loves
us. Literally nothing changes in
God even when we feel strangely different.
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