The other night I heard Dr. Andrew Cort's talk on Beyond Religious Tolerance. I applaud and embrace his main thesis that of respectfulness and embrace of all religious traditions as what hey are no more or less.
He identified the need for a way of inclusion of all without watering down any faith. His focus is not to espouse some Universal Faith or World Religion but to foster a respectfulness by and for all religions.
I recalled a quote I have spoken of in my blog earlier but has a parallel message to his:
"The willingness to sacrifice is the prelude to freedom"
"The willingness to sacrifice my idea of truth, not demonizing yours or deifying mine (which only feeds my ego or depletes yours), is the heart of the matter. The capacity to affirm all demands the capability of valuing others without devaluing one's own religious faith is essential. This is the way to freedom from our ego needs or fears and the willingness to in humility, honor and honesty sacrifice religious certainty for religious community. This is the prelude for true freedom for all, of all, and toward all."
Religion might lead the way out of hostility if it could embrace humility.
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