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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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On OT vs NT on homosexuality

Posted by Don Paine

All the Old Testament passages are male oriented sinfulness and as such are condemned.  It is not maleness that is condemned but the use of maleness to subjugate or subsume rather than nurture and mutual submit to all as God is in all.

God's creation was of and for loving in whatever form or function it is experienced.  The universe breeds and breathes multiplicity and multiversity.  It is ever expansive and contained at the same time.  Love and peace are the same.  Our parts that want or need to condemn or condone need only to give way to the compassion that neither condemns of condones and is in all of us for all of us.  The "I am who I am" God invites all to be who they are with respect to the you, me and the us.

The reason well meaning, peace loving and love living people of Christian or other faiths go off on "one group" that they judge to be wrong or bad is that they are unwilling to honor, be honest and live in humility.  Power and control are nasty internal toxics that get projected externally in righteousness that are not righteous at all.   Righteousness is the internal peace and love that allows all to be who their "I am is" without judgment or control.  God created us free human beings regardless of our human doings.

In the old testament the focus was on male perversion but the perversion was not about sexuality or even morality but about desecrating the sacred gift of choice and choosing in a narcissistic way, i.e. thinking only about me and not you, or us.  In the New Testament it is again not who is right in their culture, moral, or even religious ideologies but who has an open heart, open mind, and open spirit.  Right heartedness is what righteousness is.  It is the heart of God courageous enough to give us freedom of choice, to provide the multiplicity of opposites throughout all nature, and then to model radical and redemptive openness to whatever is as each part adds to the awareness of every other parts until all parts are welcome and all the earth embraces all parts of earth with the result of "peace on earth and acts of love and kindness" toward all people and things of earth regardless of anything.

Homosexually loving and heterosexual loving are two ways of expanding the uterus of God's love to all people regardless of anything.  To do so I have to give up my narcissistic part that wants to rule and control others in favor of the altruistic part that sees goodness, very goodness, in everything that God has made when those things live in balance and harmony with each other and with honor, honesty, and humility.  Responsible respectfulness is righteously redemptive to all.


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