Carl Jung whose father was a preacher promoted the early father's thought of Original Blessing and Original Curse in the creation epic.
The church has specialized in maintaining the doctrine of the depravity of humanity and there fore the need of the church to deliver redemption. This is self-promoting and self-propogating. This is the direct opposite of the portrait of God in Genesis and the life of Jesus. While intending to help and teach the world about love and compassion peace and tranquility the church portrayed God as a God of wrath would would punish humanity and so but for his grace we are eternally damned. This perpetuated fear and superstition. It is not the intention but it is the effect for many.
On the other hand the portrait of God and the portrayal of God in the Christ is that of self-sacrificing and self-awareness, no need to promote or propagate, perfect peace and love. The original blessing or ego state was one of perfect peace and love. Balance and harmony was present in Adam and Eve as they lived alongside of each other in a peace and love that knew no limits and had no deprivation.
Several years ago at a meeting that invited mediation on the inside world I had a picture of the words: today I place before you a blessing and a curse. A blessing if you obey and a curse if you disobey. I blogged about that over a year ago and today had a renewed sense and perspective on this theme.
This is the original blessing and curse redefined and refined. The original blessing is when I see everything as contributing to my plentifulness and pleasure from inside. The blessing as given from the creator is the "freedom to choose to be", to expand the experience and expression of peace and love inside, to be fruitful and multiply that fruitfulness in a multiplicity of ways in a multiversity of spaces, and subdue anything that would in fear or threat cause this focus to be lost. The curse as given from the creator is the "freedom to choose to do" and thereby lose control, lose freedom, and die on the vine. Self-punishment, self judgment, hopelessness, and fearfulness from the illusion or reaching outside. Punishment and pain result not from reaching out but from not looking within.
We are cursed when we disobey the original blessing and look outside for more than we need when all we need we already have. The original blessing is restored and redemption and replenishment occur when we "go inside" and offer healing to the pain and suffering, restoration to a sense of being loved and lovable as the creator.
The original and restored blessing is when we obey the internal sense of peace and love and in a positive, compassionate and non-controlling way respond to all parts within and without regardless of anything in self-sacrificing serenity with honesty, honor, and humility. The original and repetitive curse is when we disobey the internal sense of peace and love and in a negative, competitive and controlling way react to all parts within and without in self-promoting, self propagating way.
The original blessing is the way of life everlasting.
The original curse is the way of death and destruction.
The original blessing is regenerating, resilient, and redemptive.
The original curse is that when the original blessing is abandoned the creation feels abandoned and in abandonment it is reactive, restrictive and recidivistic.
The original blessing is full of hope, faith and love.
The original curse is the absence of hope, faith and love and the presence of helplessness, fear, and hatred.
The original blessing is alongside of all creation with peace and love that is healing and restorative of all the parts that reach out and up for more when we are as created, all in all, for we reflect the creator who is all in all.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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