As I worked with someone today in their internal world I caught a musing part that was focused on the issue and the person but received a new insight at the same time.
Is the insight of God or of human origin. You be the judge.
In Matthew 16:19
"I give you Peter the Keys to the Kingdom, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you release on earth shall be released in heaven."
This passage traditionally is used to say the church has the power to bind things here on earth and they will be bound in heaven or to release things on earth and they will be released in heaven. The implication is that if they are not released here they will not be released there. Not only does this interpretation connect the binding and releasing to the church it also relegates what happens on earth to impact the ay of heaven.
A shift of perspective on the way we see this passage or the lens by which we see this passage:
Peter to you are entrusted the keys of the Kingdom. That kingdom is within you so when you bind up the bruised and injured they are healed on earth and it is also done in heaven and when you release people form the prison of their own prisms (the colors of the stories they tell themselves), the false beliefs that restrain and constrain will be release on earth as they will be in heaven. This lens says heavens will will be done on earth. Some things bound for healing in heaven will be bound up on earth for healing here, and somethings due to be released in heaven will be released here on earth. This also parallels the testimony of the scroll that Jesus took and read from Isaiah to inaugurate his earthly ministry of heaven come to earth> namely, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and has anointed me to preach the good news....... to bind up the broken hearted and release those imprisoned to freedom". The work of the kingdom is to "bind up those who are wounded for healing on earth as it will be in heaven and to set free (release) those who are all bound up in their prison cells of the mind and heart for healing on earth as it will be in heaven"
I wonder.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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