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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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A New Merry Go Round

Posted by Don Paine

In the tradition of Jonathan Edwards, I was out for my walk this morning and the following musing passed through my mind perhaps from somewhere inside. So here it is.

Taking in the wonder of all creation as I walk in the forests of God's faithfulness so evident in nature.  I began to think there is nothing certain.  All my pats wanted certainty to make them feel safe.  I began to muse of the safe and serene sense of presence in uncertainty as that which is true serenity:

We speak with certainty about things when the only thing that is certain is the uncertainty of things.  These uncertainties create unrest and anxiety.  The system is polarized and the polarity paralyzes our internal system.  In an effort to save the system from its anxiety and fear, parts develop ways to protect the system from what it fears.  It fears that if it does not act to protect the system in some way, the polarity will destroy the system.  While it is a reasonable conclusion from the evidence and experience of the system, the belief that it has to do this is a "false fabricated belief".  It is offered with the best intention.  Its effect is to propel the system into repetitive and unhelpful behaviors in service of the system.

The desire to protect and secure the system thru protective parts reaching up and out for self validation and the fear of the system's survival combine to work against the system.  In personal frame, the fear of losing what I have causes fight or flight.  I flee to escape only to  fear my aloneness.  I fight to survive only to sanbortage my survival.  I desire peace and love and look outside the system for validation and care only to exacerbate the system as I experience fragmentation dn frustration from eh external world.  The merry go round is not so merry!

This dual drive of fear and desire, avoidance and attachment are enemies inside.  If I go inside and return to the natural state of the organism I release fears ando gings, I release the effort of thought, feeling  and action.

While many have named this state as conscious or unconscious, Christ consciousness or Busdha enlightenment, mindfulness or mindlessness,  it is none of that.

It is beyond us and in us, it is above us and under us, beside us for comfort and on the other side to challenge.  It is the all in all, the all in everyone and everything, it is everything and everyone as one, it is multiplicity and multiversity and miltipliuniverssl.  

It is in all of us.  It is intrinsic peace and love that are autotelic, autonomous, non-anxious and agenda free system already has inside.

The serene and surrendered SELF (the embrace of peace unthreatened by fear or enlarged by desire meets the courage of love to sacrifice its longing for external love and embracign of internal loving sets the system free to be). 
Unlike the human self that strives works, identifies and conceptualizer,
protects and promotes, and in fragmentation and frustration becomes hopeless and aimless, the divine Self is already in a state of peace and love.

The Spirit SELF is inside and is an effortless and efficient energy of balance and harmony in the system and for the system.  When all the parts see and trust the SELF, the SELF (always present but sometimes apparently absent) provides leadership into the state of peace and love which honors all parts, invites all parts into a sea of acceptance (honesty), and models for all parts humility that has them release all their burdens, false beliefs, and betrayals and breathe in compassion, calmness, courage, and clarity.

Uncertainty and certainty are mutually embraced as are all polarities propelling the system inside where everything they need is already present so they can live "most abundantly" from the abundance that they already have.

So be merry for inside of you is all you need you just do not know it!


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