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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Long Overdue, Right on time

Posted by Don Paine

It has been a long time since I last wrote a blog.  So do I tell all about where I have been or do I just pick up from here with a fresh start.  While where I have been may wind or wiggle its way into my blogging over the next few weeks, I want to choose "a fresh start".

Jesus said in John 3, "The wind blows where it wills and just as you never know where it comes from or where it is going (or taking you) so is everyone who is born of the Spirit".

I love this passage for three reasons
1) It tells me that being born of the Spirit is not about theology, ecclesiology,  or psychology, it is not about being right or wrong.  It is about having the courage to put up your sail and sail on.
2) It tells me to courageously trust the wind.
3) It invites me to let the wind blow away the chaff and anything that is less important than this moment.

So I simply say the winds in the valley of the shadows have had me in a whirlwind of confusion, uncertainty, in short not so good a place or space. I ignored a lot of things and people who were offering to help.  It was just not time. A part of me says it has been way to long and I need to explain.  But fresh starts are just that fresh starts.  It is so refreshing to know that you can just start fresh any day, any month, any year.

If I missed an email or a message I am sorry and I have no excuse as that is rude and disrespectful.  If you text or call me I will respond.

In our society a whole block of people say never admit you are wrong, or that you were in a dark space.  It is not strong leadership.  I am thinking that strong leadership courageously says whatever is true, including "I was wrong, I was in a bad zone".  It takes courage to come back. What do I say?

I will say this:  God works in mysterious ways the Wonder of God to display.  I arrived at our camp in Maine the end of June and as we prepared to launch the boat I noticed a beautiful scene.  I took out my phone and took a picture (what a day we live in).

I am not sure what you see. I am sure we often see what we want to see or don't see what we need to see.  What I saw was heaven meeting earth.  The God above is a mirror who lets us see light in darkness and darkness in light.  A light of hope switched on inside of me.  Not only hope for the future, but hope for forgiveness, for renewal, for refreshing, for a new beginning so I am back.  It does not matter where I was but it does matter that I am back.  The journey is the past meeting the future in reflective wonder.

A Fresh Start is always on time, the right time.  Now is the time for refreshing which is not pushing a button on your computer or iPad or iPhone marked "refresh". It is about the God above the God of love meeting you where you are and letting that be a reflection of the beauty and grandeur when heaven and earth create a reflection of wonder.

"In the wind and in the stillness, God is here"


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