"No weapon formed against you will prosper!" take two:
This is a scripture verse that many take to offset the idea that people cannot use or abuse me. As I sat with someone who was feeling abused so feeling that this verse was not true for them so they needed to confess their failure and ask God to make it true of them.
I asked this person if she could ask that part of her that saw it that way, if that part would step back an d let her look at it in a new way. A hesitant yes emerged from within. Then as we tried to cultivate that inner voice two new perspectives emerged: Here is the second one:
Jesus found himself often in a position where people were coming against him. Sometimes they accused him of having a devil, other times they simply accused him of begin human, and still other times they were so incensed they were ready to stone him. He always stepped out of their line of fire. Sometimes with words other times in an amazing capacity to be come obscure. This I imagine was hard of rJesus. It would be like Michael Jordan being in a crowd and no one noticing him slipping by. Doubtful that that could happen. Jesus was often in a crowd that was stirred up by something he said or did. The forces against him took up the weapons of a stone to stone him. We read, "and Jesus slipped out of the crowd unnoticed". We noticed that this too was of Spirit-energy. Slipping way, or stepping aside is a way of disarming any weapon formed against us. We can simply step aside, slip away form giving that weapon any power. When weapons that are intend to hurt and disarm us comes against us and we believe them they burden us and then prosper against us. While we can simply and slyly step aside from their focus and let them pass by or just obscurely pass by them, they will not prosper against us. When hurt and pain become our focus and they overwhelm us, depress us, or harm us they win. When the same hurt and pain create in us the capacity to step back and look at the hurt and pain with a renewed and renewing assessment, we in. No weapon against us will prosper unless we given that weapon the power to defeat us. No weapon forged against will prosper. All weapons forged against you create opportunities for you to grow in your capacity to step our of the fire of adversity that can effect defeat into the fire that purifies and strengthens the soul, that effects the win!
I have never seen this verse in that way for myself but this person helped me to see it differently, no the energy of Spirit-Self breathed new perspective into me from this verse!.
Breathe in what is good for you and breathe out what is not good for you!
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