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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Get in Line

Posted by Don Paine

This morning after a long weekend in the state of Washington for a family wedding, I was leisurely driving to work and came upon the ubiquitous experience of highway construction.  I had been on I-90 in Washington, I was now on I-90 in New York.  As I moved over to the lane as the blinking arrow directed me I noticed that everyone was politely and respectfully getting in line.  No one was speeding up to my left edging for that one or two car lengths that would say to them "I am superior", "I win", "I am more important", "I am woman, and I win", "I am man, and I win",  "I do not have to be respectful or polite, but I of course want people to be respectful and polite to me".  Yes, I am sure the latter part of that one would not be in the awareness of the people I am about to talk about.

First I want to acknowledge and talk about the 30-35 cars who had along with me slowed down and took their respectful role as their road to politeness.  I was actually pleasantly amazed that some of the politeness and respectfulness of the west was now visibly being noticed in the east.  It was so marked that i continued to marvel as four cars came up behind me and took their place in line.  Then the apparent inevitable happened.  First a white van with obviously more important things than courtesy or respectfulness going on flew by me proceeding by at least 20 cars until one motorist tried to move over to delay his "passing game".  The person in the white van swung to the left annoyed that someone would get in the way of his obnoxious and rude behavior.  He then swung back to the right cutting the person off, intimidating the one who was asking him to be aware of others, as if they were in the wrong. A car followed the van's lead yet most were getting in line. I noticed a trucker behind me doing the same thing that is passing the polite respectful motorists that were just getting in line, as if to say they were wimps of weakness while modeling "dukes of hazard".  I decided to move over to be in the way of this barreling beast of the road.  He flashed his lights then high beamed me at 7:30 am!!  I was getting in "his way" as he did not have to "get in line".  I stayed my position as he tried to stare me down.

Why is it that most of us who behave in a respectful and responsible way are suppose to get out of the way for the rude and obnoxious.  Is that the rule of the road?

Why is it that some people insist that they are the more important people and that others should just get in line behind them as they refuse to get in line with anyone in front of them?

What will it take for the whole world to learn to get in line in respectful and responsible ways that demonstrate courtesy and compassion toward all others and receiving courtesy and compassion from others?  I am curious?

Get in line!


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