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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Esther a Woman of Rare Courage

Posted by Don Paine

Queen Esther was not just an other pretty queen.  She was a woman with character as deep and rich as her ravishing beauty.  Esther, a Woman who has her won Book of The Bible to honor her distinct call to woman of all ages, was willing to put in jeopardy everything she had achieved, everything she had, and even her very life to right an injustice, to expose a wrong, and to model that might is not right, and that right is about honor and honesty.

Her Uncle Mordecai was a threat to Haman and his ways so Haman had bullied and bartared the King into approving the death of Hamn at the Gallows as a way of declaring owed and control over the Jews.  Esther spoke up, standing head and shoulders above the weaseling and whining Haman, and stood up for  honor and honesty with clarity and cumin.

She came into the King's presence without being summoned and without permission. The King according to law had to have anyone who acted so aggressively immediately killed.  The only exception to the rule was that he could, if he so chose, offer the person the golden scepter which if the person reached out and touched would be similarly listened to.  The King extended the royal scepter to her not because she was his wife but because as his wife he knew she knew the rules and for her to do such a thing he had to be incredibly and strategically important for him to listen to her. He knew and trusted her.  She on the other hand knew and trusted him.  Mutual trust is at the heart of an honor and honest system.

As Esther told the story, she vindicated her people and her uncle, validated the call for peace and cooperation, and called for truth, justice and honor to determine the King's response.  The King ordered Haman to be hung on the Gallows he created for Mordecai.  He loved Esther more for her courage than her beauty as the one will fade while the other is eternal.

Woman of Rare courage stand up even when it can cost them everything they have and more.  They also stand down in humility when it is the right thing to do.  Honor, Honesty, and Humility are her legacies.


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