Personally responsible and
Globally respectful provide a couple for moral high ground.
Respectfulness calls for us all to not put anyone's God over any one else's but also not omitting God which imposes the restriction of faith in God on someone.
If God is not a respecter of persons but respects all persons then it follows that all the controlling and directing down in the name of organized religion of any kind breaches the the most solemn and sacred frame of all religious groups. Organized religion attempts to promote faith through the organization. The organism that is the energy of vital faith is is Self energizing and Self propelling. Organizations form around organisms to asset people discovering "faith". The problem is that organisms exist independent of and cannot ne contained, contained or communed by organization. A breathing organism needs to breathe in solemn and sacred space. While the intention of a organization is to promote "the organism" the reality is that organizations that seek to codify, commune, and commodity. A living breathing organism often unintentionally drains the organism of its very energy while trying to replicate and reinforce the organism.
God obviously respects the freedom of choice that God gave and with integrity embraces
God obviously responsibly and respectfully maintains internal moral value on and for all living things and with responsibility toward creation remains guided by the light that removes the bondage of decay and perennially restores the blessing of faith, hope, peace, and love.
The character of God remains in recidivous peace and resilient love.
The moral value of God respect the choice of all people and things and remains responsibly modeling love toward all regardless of anything and with positive regard toward all.
This promotes the social value of love and peace from all and toward all , with liberty and justice from and toward all.
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