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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Wings of Power, Wait of Patience

Posted by Don Paine

The Robins, all three of them flew away, all that was left was an empty nest.
We watched each day as Mother Robin (nature) and Father Robin (time) worked together to nurture the strength in their wings to fly away and the strength in their character to wait for the right time.  This morning I mused about this lesson of nature.  I became a student.  I realized that the empty nest is focusing on what was and is without the balance of what is to be and what was.  Both the empty nest next step of growth are symbolically present.  When we as humans get caught up in the empty nest of loss we miss the wonder of gain.  The empty nest gives way to the expanding universe.

I had three children.  Their mother and I watched them grow and leave the nest.  Today they expand my universe.  One lives in the country and is happily married, with two children, and loves God and serves her neighbors, friends and family well. My wife and I  love to visit with them and expand out universe. One lives in New York City, a city we love for lots of reasons so we get to visit them and the city often.  They are happily married and serve their community, friends and family well.  One lives in Seoul, Korea, the country of her birth, where we have visited and experienced the kindness and goodness of that land.  She serves in the home of her birth as a volunteer at the orphanage she and her brother lived in, does art ministry among mom's and kids, like her years ago.  She and her son live and grow in that land of her birth because of her growth in the land of her nurturance.  In time she flew back to reclaim her dual homeland.  All three of them have added immensely to "expanding our universe".

So the Robins lastly taught me.  It is not about the empty nest.  It is about an ever expanding universe while respecting the nest that was, I embrace the wonder that will be.

The wings of power to fly away are strengthened by the wisdom of the weight of patience.  Power and patience provide the balance for respectfully living. At first I saw the weight at the center of the robin's torso.  Then I realized that the weight was actually in the wings.  A little weight guiding the impulse to fly away to soon or stay too long.  It was just enough weight to provide the right amount of wait.

So the robins continue to teach me.  Now that power to be must be balanced by the power to wait.  To fly away to achieve something not to avoid something.  To stay not to invite harm but to embrace fear and faith in balance for right living and loving.

The wings of power and the weight of patience crete the power for love and respect,  peace and responsibleness.  The empty nest and the expanding universe.


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