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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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4 Steps to Peace with God

Posted by Don Paine

Many years ago I served as Vice Chairman of a Billy Graham Crusade, earlier in another city as a member of the crusade task force.  One of the ongoing witness within evangelical faith is the pamphlet introduced by Billy Graham through a book with the same title:  Peace with God written in the 60's.  The pamphlet:  4 Steps to Peace with God led many people into a relationship with God that was of peace.  I dare not say that it was not an instrument of peace nor that it was or is wrong.  At the same time I recently imagined an updated version for the 21st century that was equally true, an effective instrument of peace, and more globally acceptable.

The Four Steps to Peace with God would embrace the same first step and expand it:

Step One:  God is love (compassion) and loves you and all people of earth without any condition or agenda.  God's love is in everyone and everything points to the God of love who is in, around, and above you.  Empty yourself of the human self and embrace the love in you for everyone regardless of anything.

Step Two:  God is Peace (calm)Step out of the controlling of people, events or things, or seeing God as in control and step into the peace of God that passes human understanding.  Give up trying to control life, events or people and find life most abundantly.

Step Three:  God is Spirit (courage) Step out of the focus on the physical world, trying to fix others or be fixed, into the wisdom of Spirit of love that believes all things, hopes all things, imagines all things working together for good and for the good of all.

Step Four:  God is Free (Creative) Step out of any agenda about any other person or for any other position.  Make no conditions regarding your loving or being loved and see God in everything and everyone.

These steps will lead to peace with God, from God, of God for all God's children and all God' creation.  Wisdom form above is first of all peaceable then kind.

Live in love, out of peace, into spirit and with creative freedom.  Let go and let God, you and everyone be.


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