Musing about the Garden of Eden I wondered what the curse is all about. I had three children and there were times I was frustrated and mad at their behavior and choices. Truth be told they were probably frustrated with some of mine. I never wanted to curse them as I loved them. I also did want to bless them and nurture them. So why the apparent posture of God to put before humanity a blessing if they obey and a curse if they disobey. It does not make sense. We must have missed something.
As I mused about this I realized something. If God was saying that when we do wrong our inner being knows it and we suffer from the wrong we do as an internal offense or curse. The curse though is not a called down curse but an inherent curse. If we choose to do good and sow good in the world we feel good and are blessed. If we do wrong we feel wrong, we have wronged ourselves, and so we feel curse and we will do self-sabotaging things. So when God puts before us a blessing when we obey, that means that we affirm our good nature and we feel good when we do good. This is not doing good to feel good as that doe snot work. It is being blessed as we do good, think good and even transform evil into good. The secret curse is to lead us to grace. The secret blessing is the love and peace that is inside regardless of anything but gets covered up by the self punitive part. This is the curse and the blessing.
As someone said to me recently. I knew it was wrong. I did it anyway then I felt like I had to punish myself as I did not know the way of grace and blessing.
Another person said they knew they were bad and there was no good in them as they felt cursed, sentenced to a life without hope faith or love. They felt cursed. they were cursed by the internal critic, judge, and curser. the purpose of that curse is to call them to look for inner grace peace and hope. It is there no matter what. This is the blessing. Click on the cursor of blessing and the curse fades.
The real secret is that while we fear the curse of the internal curser, it is the pointer to internal hope and healing.
Tucked inside the fold of adversity and curse is the hidden veritas of life, the seed of hope, love faith they are the forever faithful friends.
No hope no faith no love. Cursed.
Hidden in the oppressive reality of that truth, is the truth that you are loved and you are loving regardless of anything that you have done or you have had done to you; regardless of anyone telling or treating you differently.
The original sin idea is real, oppressive, depressive, impressive of anything but hope.However it is only part of the story. The original blessing, you created in the image of God with the essence of God in you, is the other half of the story. It is all about faith hope and love. They are internal and they are eternal.
That is the secret garden of eternal hope. faith and love.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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