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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Fear of Loss Desire for gain "Reversing the Curse"

Posted by Don Paine

Traditional Worship often has the congregants sing the 
"Gloria Patri" which I suppose in our day should be the "Gloria Matri".  In it there is reference to "As it was in the beginning even now and ever shall be world with out end. Amen Amen!"  What is the endless or eternal or preexisting world of peace and tranquility.  It may be what Sigmund Freud reverend to as "the quiescence we return to when we die".  Whatever it is, it is free of fear and lust.  The Fear of loss and the Desire for gain are dual drivers of self-destruction.

There is nothing to fear except fear itself.  Fear is debilitating as it keeps us form faith hope and love. If we could step out of our fears and desires, we would change the whole dynamics of the system that keeps us enslaved.  When Adam and Eve ate the fruit they did not loss their appetite for food they lost their perfect communion with God.  The enemy of love and peace sowed an idea in the hearts of both Adam and Eve.  The idea was that they could not trust each other, they began to fear that they were missing out on something, they began to s=desire what tastes good rather than being good, kind, loving, compassionate, toward each other.  Their union had slipped from being based on their communion with each other and God to basing it on sharing the choice of excitement of taking something that is forbidden and doing so together.  Conspiring replaced inspiring.  The result they began to hide in fear (unreasonable as Go always came to visit them every morning and even the morning after their eating of the fruit God came into the Garden wondering where they were.  For God nothing had changed.  The God of love still loved in fact loved in a greater way that ever. They didn't have the words, "if I gain the whole world and lose my soul what value is that to me?" 

What would happen to the thirst for power over others, of wealth, and of superiority (gain)was transformed into the satisfying peaceful place of former days where all they knew was love and peace. The Spirit who was hovering over the waters kept the balance and harmony of all living things.  The Spirit is the natural self organizing principle of nature once the fear of loss and desire for game are set aside.  This is a willful choice on the part of the Wise One:  To set aside fear and embrace faith, and to set aside"Desire" and embrace Contentment or Peace.    By the same "gift of choice" or free will given to humanity and used to eat of the fruit of fear and desire, they used that same :fit of choice: to choose to set aside fear and set aside desire and seek First the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness! 

We would "reverse the curse".


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