Theorists of all kinds have speculated over the centuries about the total depravity or badness of humanity. In books form Dante's Inferno to The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness by Eric Fromm to I am Okay You're Okay by Dr. Thomas Harris the gamete and the gauntlet are laid down. Is human kind basically and fundamentally flawed or is humanity basically and fundamentally okay and left on its own creatively self organizing and self nurturing. Is humanity basically good or evil.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a catalyst for another idea. What seeds are you watering is his fundamental question. So what if their was in all of us a seed of goodness and a seed badness, a fundamental core of healthiness and destructiveness, of seed of hope and despair.
I was recently overcome by a hopelessness and despairing inside of me that felt like a core but may just be a part, I am not sure. I also over time began to feel a sense of hope, a seed of faith, an experience of loving. It also did not feel like a part but at the very core of me. I had been watering the seed of despair and depression and it had nearly taken over. When I began to water the hope, faith and love in me I began to resolve to heal from the inside out. There is an internal redeemer and that was joined by a sense of an external redeemer who was also helping me to see the water, that is living water springing up into everlasting life.
I first met the attached video song in Internal Familysm Systems training with Dr. Richard Schwartz and Dr. Ralph Cohen but I understand it anew as that which is in all of us is a seed of hope, faith and love.
My interpretation via experience but it is how I see it today!
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