Esther and the Feast of Purim are the Old testament illustration of being the salt of the earth (see Esther 5-7, and Mark 9:38-50.
Esther flavored everything and everyone with God's Favor.
She calls all of us through her life to be willing to say, "If I perish, I perish" which fosters humility.
She calls all of us to be willing to sacrifice what we have every right to preserve for the strength to risk everything for the community of people which fosters honor.
She calls all of us to hold on to what is ours and speak truthfully while respecting others which fosters honesty.
Haman and his wife, Zeresh plotted for the annihilation of the Jews in the days of King Xerxes. They were filled with hatred and erected a gallows of hatred for Mordecai.
Moredecai approached Esther as the woman who God had put in the palace as the Queen. She could not use her position for herself but for her people she was willing to risk everything even her life. She stood tall as a woman of honor, honesty, humility, courage and compassion.
With the support of all the people who had fasted adn prayed for three days become a communion of the fellowship of suffers, she boldly and emboldened by them entered the Kings presence uninvited and was accepted and offered up to half the kingdom. She could have profited herself and sold out her people but she was willing to sell out on profit to cash in on her compassion and courage.
She told the King of Haman's design to kill off all her people clarifying it was not about her anger or hatred as she would have said nothing is it was just about selling them into slavery as they had done that before and thrived. His design was annihilation and sporting slaughter thus humiliating and disgracing her people. Full of grace in the face of this disgrace she asked for the king to spare the lives of her people. Hatred always fuels more hatred which is why Jesus teaches to love those who hate. Flavor them with favor.
Haman who was so consumed by hatred was inviting if not summoning hatred to himself and while intentionally begging the Queen for mercy having witnessed the King's anger, he did so while reclining in her presence which appeared to the King like he was attempting to rape his wife the Queen. The King ordered him hung on the same gallows he had erected to hang Mordecai.
This is the story of human hatred as it finds its way back to its beginning.
This is the story of human honor, honesty and humility that leads to courage and compassion and returns all things to their beginning in balance and harmony with the creator loving God of all things and all people.
Whether I perish or not is never the issue how I live is always the issue.
Living with an intention to flavor everything with God's favor regardless of anything is to be as Esther,
a salty woman of courage and compassion.
Jesus said, "be the salt of the earth", flavor everything with God's favor.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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