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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Stories of the Wounded Head meet Stories of the Healed Heart

Posted by Don Paine

I was with a person who became offended when I checked my cell phone,

I accept that this is a 21st Century version of  "rude behavior" that is rife.

He got really made when my cell phone appeared to interrupt our conversation as I checked it for an incoming call.  He did not care that I had told him that I was expecting an urgent call from my daughter about her sons grandma being in a tragic fire and was in critical condition.  Inside of his head was a story that if I do not have your 100% attention, you do not car for me.  While I get the feeling of not feeling loved or cared for as I have a negative story about that in my head.  What I do not get is that when I was able to help him feel my care most of the time that he had to dismiss "me and all care" for all time. Past actions of care and future actions of care were denied a part in the story. The story in his head was more powerful than any other story.  There was not room for a shared alternative story.  I get that it was rude behavior to grab my cell phone.  I am cautious to not act like I have an excuse as that is the story in my head.  What I think is tragic is that he cannot excuse the story in his head to allow care to be present for him.  So he alienates the very people who would be there for him then concludes one cares for me. The story of a wounded head is powerful.  The story in his head continues to trump all others stories.

Thankfully I could receive his story from my healed heart.  When all my stories of my head can be set aside and really value the story of the other person there is projection of value.  He had felt enough value from my heart to want to meet with me and talk through his hurt heart.  He had said some rude and cruel things to me but I was still willing to meet with him.  Sadly, though my heart was modeling for him an "openheartedness",  his heart was closed to any other story.

Stories of the head hold burdens and beliefs that are relentless and ruthless.  The heart holds the secret that when we are loving toward all our parts, the wounds of head,  they relax their fears of not being loved and their desire to be loves are unburden.  Their false beliefs that a part of them believe to be true, are unburdened and a breath of fresh air of loving presence fills their heart to healing.


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