God in Christ announced the gospel of good news. It has become the gospel of my good news, as the church by any name presents its truth as the truth.
The church has become the platform of truth to promote a lie. The truth is all truth comes from God, all who represent God have a story of truth that is not the whole story.
The whole story is God is in you and God is in me. When we let stuff any stuff of theology, ecclesiology or science or psychology block the wisdom of Self we lose the pure good news. This blockage becomes a burden and the result injustice in the name of justice, inequality in the name of equality, bondage in the guise of freedom.
In Jesus' name we need to stop. If you cannot stop please to not continue to call your actions, attitudes, or attributions christian and I will not call them non-Christian. Who am I to judge.
Then we can receive each other in peace love and joy rather than fighting over who is right or who is wrong. Perhaps then we will have "liberty and justice for all", peace on earth, and acts of goodwill not self-serving and self-justified violence. This will be to the glory of God and reflective of the glory of God. It will simultaneously be to the credit of humanity and to the redemption of humanity.
We will be as God made us free, just and at peace!
The covenant of love will outshine the creed of any church. The Gospel is covenantal not creedal. This is the Goldmine of Gospel thattheuCC has that needs to be preached from every steeple and seen in every mountain top. It needs to be seen in the heart of every person
This is the Gospel of the Gospel. Let us preach it from every steeple and live it in every square until all the world knows and experiences life transforming mercy and justice. Then live it out walking into and out of churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, and all places of personal or spiritual contemplations with humility.
Humanity walking in step in stride and in sinc with one another because the discipline of loving and being at peace have replaced the dogma and doctrine if the church.
Soren Kirkegaard's vision "to be the truth without embellishing it", without embracing it, without using it for empire building socially, religiously, politically or nationally.
When any part of a truth is used to advance my cause over your cause. no matter what, it is injustice. There is no just war. There is not just win without the loser being diminished. No cause at the expense of another persons right to be is a just cause. Conversely if I receive you unjust treatment as an act of discipline with grace and mercy I am living the way that is the "I am the way the truth and the life" way. It is the only way to the creator who is love. The way of love is the way of freedom, justice for all.
We place Kirkegaard's challenge to the church: to know the truth and not to be the truth is to embellish that very truth with error". So either there is justice for all or there is no justice at all.
Justice begins inside. The fundamental understandable mistake of human nature is to believe that we must change something outside. So we look in the window to see what we need to change in others when we need to look into a mirror and see and change the injustice the cruely the ignorance of ignoring the work we need to do inside.
James tells us that wars come from internal conflict between parts inside. We go inside to heal the hurts and restore the love and peace that we then bring to the outside world.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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