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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Duality, polarity, and harmony. How parts interact and develop.

Posted by Don Paine

 Life and the experiences of life invite a person to develop.  What is it that develops?  In the multiplicity of experiences are only exceeded by the multiple ways in which those experiences are categorized and catalogued in the brain.

Every experience, thought, feeling and belief came into existence in response to something or someone.  Each one becomes a part who needs and wants to feel compassion and care, who fears loss of any thing, who desires gain of some kind, who sees other parts as their rivals within.  Each part like two siblings both love and hate the existence of the other.  The internal rivalry between parts and the polarities of those parts do not threaten the system but actually energize the system.  The parts however do not see this because they become “part-focused”.  The develop elaborate systems of protective parts due to fear of loss and desire of gain.

The duality of all living things provides an opportunity to welcome all living things with creative curiosity as how they can assist and desist with each other.  When any and every part is invited into the “light space” of open and creative new life emerges.  When there is an invitation to “dark space” another form of life emerges. 

Humanity begins to believe a lie.  The lie is that they have to do something or they will miss something.   The lie is that if they do nothing they are weak and fearful.  If they do not do anything they are weak and fearful.  So to prove that they are strong they eat to live only to eat to die.

Divinity knows that no matter what happens “compassion and courage” calmly and cooperatively responds not out of fear or anger but out of love and compassion.  Love indeed conquers all things, not by might and power over and against but by the presence of love and grace alongside of. 

The parakalein idea of God is of an “alongside of” posture and position.  God comes alongside of all that is an calmly and compassionately responds not our of fear and anger but out of love and grace.  God surrenders the “might is right” power matrix  to the “the right to surrender my might and power to  the righteouseness of remaining right in my heart toward all” is a dynamic shift from power over to power alongside of.  Power not proven by its thirst to be or prove it is right but the willingness to sacrifice that right to.  It is a shift from being right in the sense of correct vs incorrect to being right in the sense of remaining non-defenseive, self-protective, and self-propagating.


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