One thing that is common to every church and religious houses of worship is a sign that says:
Everyone is Welcome or some expression of that kind.
Let's be honest about it. While the church may want to be welcoming the idea of "You are Welcome here" is an elusive idea and a more elusive experience. Churches tend to make people who believe the way they do, think the way people do, look the way others look so that only people who fit that profile really are welcome.
The Book of Revelation 22:17 tells us says, "whosoever will, let him drink freely of the water of life".
That is a welcome sign that God puts out there. Everyone regardless of anything is welcome to drink of the water of life which by the way is free.
There is a well here and you are invited to drink deeply of that well.
Here that challenge to see that everyone regardless of anything is Welcome.
To do so we have to let go of all our prejudices, biases, and judgment and see all people with compassion in a two dimensional way. We need to be compassionate toward all people and we need to see compassion in all people.
Working at making people feel welcome is the work and witness of the church, of people.
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