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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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Breath of the lungs, Burden of the heart, and Blessing of the Mind, these three are one with each one of us

Posted by Don Paine

Imagine the sun at the center of the solar system.  It is no imagination necessary.  Then imagine the heart of the creator of the solar system and the mind that thought of the idea of creating a world beyond and outside of the control of the creator. Then imagine the courage of the creator to take a deep breath and breath and breathe into the creation life and freedom of choice.  What magnificent courage, what creativity.  Then imagine that creator being remaining calm though the waters roar and roll, unthreatened and unthreatening of the exercise of that freedom on the part of the created.  Then imagine the heart where it all began full of compassionate toward all the  triggered parts of the creator and of the creation. Then imagine the cool breeze of compassion, the gentle breeze of courage, the still breeze of calm and the stormy breeze of creation.

Then look inside your own heart and see the steady calm beating of your heart, the steady breathing of your lungs, the creative clamoring of the mind and the feelings for attention and imagine you being all your heart, mind, and lungs need and want and yet already have for each other.  At the core of your body is all that your body and its parts need: a loving heart (compassion) a living breath/lungs (calmness) and a listening mind (courage) and their interplay and mutual sustaining presence (creatively many but one).

The perfect storm within met with the perfect calm within so that I can live for the inside out as the creator God created me to live.  As the creator made me to reflect the creator, the image of God in me and the "countering" image of God in me.  The ing and yang in me singing in harmony and balance the song of the soul set free.

Imagine a circle around me including and enveloping all of me and my parts in a bubble of love and care. The Self holding a heart of compassion/love, a mind at peace/calm and lungs of courage to breathe out and creative energy from breathing in.

The solar system outside, the system inside and the God reflected in the inside and out.

Draw a bubble around all of you and let compassion and calmness from inside welcome all your parts with love and care so you can live form the inside out.  This is how the universe lives:  ever expanding ever held.

The solar system without you reflects the creator and the created.  You have a center, Self.  It is the sun of warmth and and a witness of hope that all is well in your soul.

The message Easter is a message of the solar system to the system of our inner and outer world.  I breathe it in this Easter in a new way. 


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