As I spoke on Parakalein on Violence in the world I focused on the inner violence within us that gets acted out in the world. James 4:1-2 Where do wars come from? Do they not come from within where parts of us, members within, war against each other.
As an intro and back drop I spoke of how the creator God made everything and imbued all that was made with peace and love. The world was created with diversity and polarities but all polarities were intentionally made not to create oppositional reaction but all oppositional reactions when held in love and peace work together for the good o fall. Balance and harmony create and sustain calmness and compassion toward all that God made. God creates everything with rounded edges, spheres that reflect the roundness and soundness of the qualities of calmness and compassion love and peace. Frustration and fragmentation result from a point counter point mentality. In a point counter point world you never know the point except it always causes hurt in pain in someone somewhere.
To illustrate the point I used three shapes: football, baseball, and a box.
All that God's created was in the shape of a a sphere. The solar system, the planets, the earth, the moon/sun, all plant life, all people, the face, the eyes, the heart, the lungs, the brain etc. God does not create anything as a box. People and religious systems create boxes but God does not. God wants us to be free and flowing like a rive of love. God is not into boxing us up or out from boxes.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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I talked about the axis of earth keeping everything in balance and harmony and the equator holding all things in warmth and compassion. So the baseball represented the sphere of God;s love and care that rolls with, into and around us all and rounds off all our rough edges to the glory of the God of love and kindness. The earth has a point and counter point but is is not an oppositional point counter point but a point counter balance point as in the North OPole and the South Pole. These poles while representing a polarization do not paralyze or polarize the earth but propel the earth into its rotation and revolution. It is about counter balancing not counter blasting. It is not about a win lose world, winner take all world, or an all that matters is winning world. It is about winning and losing and growing through it all. The baseball comes in to our box in many ways our responsibility is to keep swinging with confidence that we will keep swinging no matter the round ball comes at us.
The football on the other hand has a point and a counter point. It is like people unpredictable as it really does go in many different directions effected by many different external forces. Because of its shape it tucks well, fumbles easily, squirms out, and bounces all over in what ever direction it seems to choose. It alone is in control. The football represents that parts of me that do bounce in different ways depending on different parts of me that get triggered.
Go dis a sphere and those who truly worship and become as God is become a sphere or calmness and compassion that is predictably constant in honoring all, receiving and giving honesty toward all, and humble in all things. The sphere that god created us all to be.
The sphere of our living is to be how we live. God will smooth out all my rough edges as I become more filled with truth and grace inside and out. Then I will live form the inside out rather than form the outside in.
The parakalein of God sees God as "alongside of" all things and people with the capacity to roll with and within all of us if we can get out of our boxes. There are no conditions no agendas just the sphere of God's love and grace that invites you inside and is inside of you as the image of God. More on that tomorrow.
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