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I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.

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The Smiles of Christmas

Posted by Don Paine

Christmas season is just about over.  Three Kings day has come and past.  We had a wonderful Family Christmas sleep over inclusive of our Korean family of daughter and grandson via skype (thank God for the 21st Century smiles.

In reflecting this Christmas I think Christmas is about smiles down from above and all around us.  My daughter in Korea is putting smiles of children's faces in Korea, my son is putting smiles of investors faces, my daughter in NY is putting smiles on many people in her life.

On that first Christmas God smiled down on earth form heaven and the skies lit up with the Angels Smiling and singing, "Glory to God in the highest".  The Shepherds smiled when they heard the good news.  The wise men smiled when they saw the star and followed it.  The innkeeper smiled when he made room in the stable, Joseph and Mary smiled at each other as the Baby came without pain but destined to receive all the pain and suffering of humanity to release us all from the burden of pain and suffering.  Smiles all around:  visit all on earth today who will make room for a smile, smiles visited the people and the animals of that first Christmas and today.

On Christmas morning a friend from Germany joined us and we smiled the day as we visited friends and family.  Smiles are the best Christmas gift as they keep on giving beyond the moment and flow like a river to all parts of the globe.

We drove on Christmas day to a friends church.  He is a pastor.  He and his wife are going thru a difficult time in their extended family this Christmas.  We decided they needed the gift of a smile so our German friend in tow we car sledded to Kingston NH not far out of the way to Brockton MA.  As we arrived for church the congregation who we know became part of the surprise and hid us until the right moment that became even better.

We walked up the isle while my friend was praying (eyes of course closed).  He began to cough.  He entered silent prayer while keepign his eyes close and attempted to gain control of the tickle or the tickler.  Someone who likes smiles was tickling his throat.  His wife opened her eyes to make room for us in her pew, of course the first row.  My wife gave me a cough drop so I walked up to the chancel area and whispered to my friend, "Pastor would you like a cough drop".

He opened his eyes to see me, an unexpected sight.  His jaw dropped and his countenance shown with surprise and a smile.  The whole congregation loved the smile on his face but not as much as the surprise.  He called me hours later saying he was still smiling.

Smile.  It is your best gift.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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