Outrage is Powerful when it Promotes Peace and Love
What things are happening in your world that cause you to be indignant or just plain "outraged".
This morning as I was driving to work I listened to a spot in NPR on a new book rather a small pamphlet written by a 93 year old veteran of War and Life. His name: StephanTime for Outrage! is the English translation of the bestselling tract Indignez-vous ! by the German-born French diplomat, member of the French Resistance and concentration camp survivor Stéphane Hessel.[1] Published in France in 2010, it has sold nearly 1.5 million copies in France and has been translated into numerous[edit]
In an interview regarding the Israel Palestinian issue he commented that he was outraged at the behavior of Israel that is inconsistent with the essential teachings of the Talmud and Torah. He is not anti-Israel he is just pro-peace and deference and anti-indifference and indignation. I join him in being outraged at some of what i hear in the media and in churches that is inconsistent with the essential teachings of Jesus.
Love your neighbor as you love and care for your self. Be outraged by anything that treats anyone regardless of anything with anything but love and out of anything but peace. Do something say something live love and kindness toward someone today because they deserve it regardless of anything and especially if you think they do not deserve.
"Esteem others as better, more deserving, than yourself" (Philippians. 2:6) and be kind and tender hearted toward all just as God for Christ sake was tenderhearted and compassionate toward you (Epheisans 4:32).
Be outraged by judgment, condemnation, and inconsistency and embrace all in love and peace.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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The 93-year old author starts with a brief reference to his participation in the French Resistance at the end of the Second World War, pointing out that outrage was at its roots. The author asserts that indifference is the worst of attitudes. He speaks of his experience among the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and exhorts young people to look around for topics of indignation. He then presents his own principal indignation at present, the strife in Palestine, the Gaza strip and the West Bank. He ends the tract by calling for non-violent action and for a peaceful uprising against the powers of finance capitalism.
Indifference and the loss of passion are signs that should be a catalyst for action. I found myself complaining about many things and this thought challenged me to "act with intention". Resistance may be futile but so is indifference. In Revelation 3:21 we are told that God prefers that we be hot or cold but luke warm is nauseating to God. I was walking in an airport on my way to catch a transfer flight and found myself walking next to a soldier. I thanked him for serving our country. We talked for a while. He told me that the could not get the smell out of his nose. That he had smelt things he never knew of before and now he cannot get the smell out. He would stop and smell flowers anything but the smell remains. I had great compassion and support for what he was doing. I was outrafged that we have not found a better way to bring peace to our world. Why war? Why put a smell in a young mans nose that he will never get out of his memory. He can unburden that part but it will always be there. I am outraged. It is nauseating to me
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