I suddenly began to see in all nature the voice and the quiet unmistakeable immeasurable presence of God. In the quietness of the early morning or in the later evenings there were no sounds of the hustle and bustles of life. There was the sound and the silence of the eternal God creator of all things.
I was in a little boat in the vast waterway fishing when as I looked up I saw an eagle high in the highest of al the pine trees that laced the skyline. There were no skyscrapers just a creation watcher. Perched in the highest point the eagle seemed to be watching over. I took a picture to the left.
The waters seemed calm enough but then a breeze began to blow harder and harder. It was as if the eagle knew something the weather man missed. He probably was saying, who is this crazy man who does not know a storm is coming and he needs to go back to his island. Just then the eagle flew away. I got the hint and headed home arriving just before the storm got bad. It was a wind storm that created white caps in the river. I was safe at home.
I wonder how often God is watching over us wondering why we do not go for cover. Urging us as an eagle of wide wings of comfort and care to come under his wings and know his love but we are too busy and ignore his watchful care.
AS an eagle spreads his wings of watchful care of all God's creation so God spreads his wings of love over all the earth and all the people of earth.
Northern Comfort from the God of All Creation!
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