Unfolding the mysteries of the universe outside or inside is a formidable task to say the least.
This morning as I was waking and communing with God and the Self within, I began to review some of my journey over the last two years. In particular the part of me that felt "unloved and un-lovable" was coming up strongly.
This part recalled that many times it sought to protect me by having me do things to impress people so I would get some attention or care that would make me fee lovable. Upon successfully doing so it would feel a failure as the part that was getting attention got attention because of what it did no for who I was. It was a whirlpool of sinking sands of thoughts and feelings. Like sand in an hourglass it was going no where while moving. I realized that the part that worked so hard was protecting the exiled part that felt unlovable. This part reminded me that i was the one who reached out to my brothers, to friends, family. I did things to get the feeling of being loved only to feel unloved as that part said, they never called me or reached out reciprocally to me. It concluded that the reason for this lack of loving back was because I was unloveable, Furthermore the part alleged that I was just play acting care to get cared for. This made me a phony, a failure, a fake, and a fraud. As I invited the exiled part to come into the light of loving I realized something.
Before anything but God existed there was no light as there was no need for light. Darkness was all that was. In that darkness there was light and there was/is SELF. SELF, divine self that is, was and is and ever shall be. This SELF is LOVE. It is not needing to be loved so when God created the world it was not to get love it was for the experience of extend the nature of love beyond God into others. God is primarily loving. While God enjoys when creating is loving back God does not need that love as God is love. God cannot get more of who God is. When God created the World he tucked the divine SELF of loving energy into the human soul self, and body.
God stepped outside of SELF without losing a sense of SELF. I got outside of my self in trying to love others as I felt God called me to do only to lose my sense of Self. I had reached to to my brother and others not as a phony or fake but as a genuine person of love. When I did not feel loved back, when no one seemed to reach out to me I concluded that I had no worth. The problem was not the conclusion as much as the belief that I had to be loved by someone outside of me to feel lovable. My worth was placed inside of me as the DIvine Self which i neglected to dee until with the eye of faith it become visible.. Indeed faith is seeing what no one else sees. then choosing to live by faith not by sight.
Then it dawned in me. When I am loving without the need to be loved back the exiled self that wants to be loved is loved from within therefore begins to settle into a state of balance and peace so feels loved. The elusive need to be loved is surrendered not to the illusion of being loved but to the infusion of love itself.
The fear of not being loved or lovable surrenders to the faith that sees love inside and is comforted from the inside rather than conflicted by what is not inside. The Divine SELF is the wisdom of God inside. The Kingdom of God is within you and me, so let's live it outside.
Being human is living outside of the Self without losing the sense of SELF. AS John put it, "being in the world but not of the world".
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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