I was reflecting on all the crazy events in our world as the year 2012 draws to a close.
Then it hit me that Jesus was born in the stable to offer to the world the stability of peace, hope, love, and joy which are the gifts of advent, the gifts of God to our world.
I know that God's peace, hope, love and joy are the things the make the most unstable of times stable.
In your stable, know God's stability. For whatever was in the past and whatever is to come know the stable assurance of God's love.
About Me
- Don Paine
- I am a pastor and a clinical psychotherapist. My life's passion is defining healthiness from a human perspective and paralleling it to the holiness of God, divine perspective. Shifting perspectives creates a paradigm that is alongside of rather than over and against. The parakalein of God and the paradoxes of humanity are redefined. Humanity is all about winning and yet we are losing ground everywhere. Divinity is all about letting go of the desire to win and the fear of loss. The Divine embraces the world with loving care regardless of anything.
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What was easy about that first Christmas Day, 2000 plus years ago?
Not much. There was the difficulty for Mary of what people were thinking about her and for Joseph the same. There was the necessary trip to register at the census/tax office at the worst of times in her 8th month of pregnancy. There was the "no place to stay message" and the "no vacancy" signs everywhere. It was a difficult time, not easy by any stretch of the imagination.
Imagine in the presence of all that uneasiness that the message of the angels was a simple "be at ease".
"Be at ease" does not mean that things are easy or that it is easy to be calm in difficult times or in the storm.
It means that when you cultivate an internal space of calmness whatever is not easy becomes more easy.
So the next time you are uneasy about something anything see if you can step out of that feeling and hear and "be at ease".
It is a message of Christmas!
That is the true Spirit of Christmas: seeing the beauty and message of the baby of love laid in a bed of hay so that all may lay their head in the lap of God’s love.
I have not been able to blog for 7 days.
It has been seven days side the horrific tragedy of 12/14 where 20 children and 6 adults working a school in Newtown, CT, were killed. Also killed that day was the mother of the shooter and the shooter himself.
Every time I went to blog I felt like "silence was the best way" to represent the horror of the moment. Words fail us when there are no words to describe what you feel inside and the compassion of silence is your only true friend.
I noticed that each day I looked for children walking, shopping, at a funeral, and just went up to them and their parents in a light and caring way to honor their living with a sense that there are people in the world that care. Who will go out of their way to offer an "intention act of kindness and goodness".
Maybe that is what I needed to do to break the silence. I did not have to share my thoughts on the tragedy what I need to do is break the silence of seeing people but not speaking love and kindness into their lives.
So do something in memory of those who died that day by "contributing something to the presence of goodness in the world. Maybe the good answer to the violence in the world.
"Peace in you and on earth, and Good will, goodness and kindness to all"
Tears of the eyes
I just received an email from a good friend reminding me of humanities political correctness which is the more modern pc having replaced the pc of personal computer.
It reminded me of another maybe the best kind of hallmark "PC": "Peaceful Contentment" which is the message of all the angels of Christmas to Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and everyone: Be Still and Don't Worry for the I will be with God is With You! Now that breeds the pc of personal contentment!
PC to you this Christmas Season!
Yesterday I heard a research project declare that "counting sheep" is not as effective a strategy for creating calmness as picturing a beach. Interesting that in the 21st century so many get to the beach that that is a comforting scene. At the same time, centuries ago not many got to the beach but many had sheep farms. The image of the "sheep jumping over the fence" created movement and a soft comfortable cushiony image that was familiar so it worked.
So different things at different times create the same "calming effect and affect".
Dualism can create balance not tension, conflict or duplicity.
Tough as nails and soft like wool.
Tender as sheep and a tender of sheep.
Maybe that is why there is so much duality to invite us to balance and harmony not to foster conflcit and duplicity.
Imagine the world with dualities but no duplicity!
It was a mess. It was messy. Was I the cause or had I just stepped into a mess? I asked.
Then I took a step back and saw a message to me.
So often when there is a mess or when life seems messy I have a "you messed up" part that speaks to me (making me feel it is all my fault) or to someone else who I want to blame or shame.
This is as old as Genesis 3 and what we have referred to as the "fall". God refereed that moment and took on no shame or blame and released the couple from the need to blame or shame each other.
So I learn, when there is a mess or a messy situation to take a step back and look for a message. The message always massages meaning and learning into the mess.
Yesterday, I was up did my walk with my dog, started my truck and was off to work so I thought. I stopped at the local market for a coffee and while in their my truth which I had left running as it was a cold day, had quit on me. Without previous warning of any kind it just would not start.
At first I was upset even a little mad at my good truck. Then I was frantic about what to do, how to get to work and what to say to clients who were waiting for me at my office and hour away! It was like a first I shook my fist, then pointed finger, and then began to fret. Ten I opened m hand and heart to the flow of the day and the sense that all would be well, it could be worse, and suddenly I was thankful that my truck did not strand me on the highway where i had little resources and bigger problems.
I even decided to not call AAA but just call a friend, rent a car and be on my way which I was able to be within an hour.
I "paused, stepped back, and breathed" and the flow of my day shifted. I only missed one appointment and the rest of my day went smoothly.
So life lessen for me: whenever you are frazzled and at first clench your fist, or cave in on your self, open your hand and heart and you will find things go better with an open heart and mind.
Oh and my truck is being cared for by a friend who picked it up. I and my truck are glad for good friends as well.